We have all heard this cliché phrase, but what exactly does it mean in relation to your career goals? We all know that, ”glass half full” indicates optimism and positivity in a current situation, and “glass half empty” implies the feeling of inability to overcome a negative obstacle. I know what you’re thinking: how does this have anything to do with my career? The fact of the matter is, life is way too short to work a job you aren’t passionate about. Let’s start with these five questions to ask yourself in relation to your current job.
Money is obviously not everything, but it does help you get where you need to be. If you’re drowning in bills and feel as though your inputs are destroying your outputs, it might be a good idea to look for other opportunities.
Work stress is clearly inevitable. Whether it be upcoming deadlines or over-commitment to too many meetings, everyone has been there. With this being said, if this stress lasts months-upon-months and begins to consume your personal life then it is surely an issue that needs to be desperately addressed.
Culture is extremely important in any field. Brian Kristofek, President and CEO of Upshot states that “being a great place to work is the difference between being a good company and a great company.” Working with a team that respects, encourages and trusts you is key to your own success. Take time to ask yourself: does your current job have this type of culture?
Location is another indicator of job preference. Maybe you are stuck in a city or in the middle of nowhere and simply want to try something new. Relocating is sometimes the perfect reason for a change of scenery.
Now please don’t let this article deceive you, changing jobs is not always rainbows and butterflies. In order to leave a current job, you must be aware of the obstacles that you might encounter, like temporary unemployment for example. However, for many,these obstacles are well worth it!
If you answered yes to all (or most) of these questions, it might be a good time to look around for a new job. This can in fact be a scary process, but lucky for you Agile is here to help. Contact us, we’d love to partner with you on this new, exciting journey!